The ‘Overview of Additive Manufacturing’ was held on 11th February 2020, Tuesday at Seminar Room, C23 SKM, UTM Johor Bahru.
Prof. Madya Dr. Ir. Mohd Rizal bin Alkahari from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Malaysia Malacca had been invited to deliver the course successfully. The total of 40 participants had joined this program.
This course provided the participants with new technology name Additive Manufacturing. In this short course, the overview of technology, the types and the application was introduced. The selected apeaker is the best person to share his experiences through his journey when he completed his PhD studies using this technology. In addition, he is recognized as one of the expertise in AM in Malaysia especially in the academician. At the end of the courses, student was able to differentiate each types of AM technology as well as can provide them with the interest to dig in this new technology and apply to their research project.
This program was organized by Postgraduate Students Society, Schools of Mechanical Engineering and Schools of Biomedical Engineering & Health Sciences, UTM Johor Bahru.