Thesis Template Workshop
All PGSS from the Faculty of Engineering which includes SKA, SC, SKM-SKBSK, SKE and SCEE were pleased to conduct “UTM Thesis Template Workshop” together on 4th August 2020 (Tuesday) in collaboration with SPS UTM. This workshop was aimed to give an insight to PG students on how to format a thesis or dissertations using UTM Thesis Template with customized styles. It was an honor to have Ts Dr Azman Mohamed from School of Civil Engineering with us to share his professional knowledge.
This workshop was promoted a week before the event and managed to have 278 participants to join us through online in Cisco Webex. Based on the participants’ feedback, the majority of them were satisfied with the sharings where the topic was deemed as practical and useful. With the help of the moderator, the Q&A sessions were successfully conducted twice and the interaction between Dr Azman and participants was lively. Participants also agreed that the objective of this workshop was met and practical even though it was conducted online.
Overall, “UTM Thesis Template Workshop” received excellent ratings from participants with many positive comments. Participants suggested to have more online workshops related to reference managing software such as Mendeley in future. Last but not least, participants appreciated the fruitful collaboration between all PGSS from the Faculty of Engineering and SPS to make this a fruitful event.
Organizing Team
Director – Liew Wen Ching (SCEE)
Vice Director – Yap Zhen Shyong (SKA)
Moderator – Asraful Syifaa’ binti Ahmad (SC)
Secretary – Chin Chee Loong (SKA)
Assistant Secretary – Rathosivan A/L Gopal (SKM-SKBSK)
Multimedia I – Najeeb Ur Rehman Malik (SKE)
Multimedia II – Ala Abobakr Abdulhafidh Al-Dubai (SKM-SKBSK)
Publicity – Muhammad Imran bin Ismail (SCEE)
Webex Master – Muhammad Zafran bin Muhammad Zaly Shah (SC)