UTM Speaks UP Competition (2021) has commenced on 4th Januari 2021 until 17th January 2021 20th January 2021. This competition is organised by School of Graduate Studies and it is opened to all UTM Postgraduate Students. There were 51 contestants from PhD Category and 23 from Master Category.
The videos are currently being evaluated by 3 appointed juries. The organiser expect to announce the result in mid-February 2021. Please be informed that the result will be announced via email, PGSS UTM Facebook:
and SPS Facebook:
You are welcome to LIKE and FOLLOW these 2 Facebook pages for the latest updates on Postgraduate Activities.
All videos have been showcased in UTM Speaks UP Competition (2021) official website: sps.utm.my/utmspeaksup/ Grab this opportunity by viewing the video to get a piece of exciting information and experience sharing from the contestants.
All the BEST to all contestants & Thank You!