On 24th March 2021, PGSS SKE in collaboration with SPS UTM were pleased to conduct a structured course with title How to Present Your Research Effectively via online platform.  It was an honor to have Assoc. Prof. Dr. Leow Pie Ling, a senior lecturer of School of Electrical Engineering with us to share his valuable experiences. 

Even a very comprehensive research proposal would be useless unless it is presented highlighting the importance and novelty of the research. Objective of this course is to make the students aware of :
● How communication skills are important in presenting a research
● Best practices in written communication in research (proposal/theis/paper writing)
● Best practices in oral communication in research (Proposal defense/Viva/conference)

During this webinar, registration started from 10.15 am and the course started exactly at 10.30 am. The speaker explained the basic rules in preparing slides and posters and also introduced the N-A-B-C concept in planning the content of the presentation. After that students were given an opportunity to deliver 2 minute speeches on any topic based on NABC concept and 3-4 students took that opportunity. Speaker again discussed about some important tools in presenting and the common mistakes using examples. There was a Q & A session at the end students actively took part. After taking the group photo course concluded around 12.35pm