PGSS FSSH KL collaboration with SPS succesfully organized online course on 6th May 2021 with invited Assoc Prof Dr Marlia Puteh as a speaker. The title for this online course is Defending Your Dissertation Proposal: Tips for Success. Successfully defending the research proposal is a compulsory component to all postgraduate studies by research or mixed mode. Thus, the selected title for the online structured course is very significant to every individual student. Although the target group was expected to be in their early semesters since the research proposal is one of the early requirements, the attendance proved approximately one fifth of the participants were in their third year or beyond.

The objective of the programme was to provide tips to the postgraduate students for a successful proposal defense, and the positive feedback from the participants and the number of attendees until the end of the programme shows that the workshop has succeeded in achieving its goal. This course was successfully held with the PGSS-FSSH KL committee’s help: Jameela Hanoon Umarlebbe (Director), Pavitradevi A/P Ganesan (Vice Director) and Wan Nur Amirah Md Salzihan (Secretary). This course received 206 participants registered. There are 94.66% from Ph.D. students and the rests are UTM staff or non-UTM participants.