PGSS School of Electrical Engineering (SKE) was pleased to conduct “Graph Grabber Workshop – A Research Tool for Data Extraction from Journal Articles And Thesis” on 13th July 2021 (Tuesday) in collaboration with SPS UTM. It is very crucial to produce good figures for the research articles and theses for better impression and readability. Most of the time, students tend to screenshot the existing published figures and graphs for literature review and benchmarking/comparison of results. Therefore, it is important to understand how to extract data from the published articles, theses, as well as any other graphs and images. This workshop was aimed to introduce the importance of using the right tool for data extraction and to improve the skills of postgraduate students to reproduce higher quality graphs. It was an honor to have Ir. Ts. Dr Michael Tan Loong Peng with us to share his professional knowledge. This workshop was promoted a week before the event and managed to have 67 participants to join us through online in Cisco Webex.
The speaker first introduced an overview of the Graph Grabber software. Following that Dr. Michael went through in details step-by-step on how to use the software to digitize data automatically from sample graph as extracted from one of the journal articles. After that, Dr. Michael demonstrated the practical use of the software. Although the Graph Grabber software can be used in a stand-alone manner, higher quality of graphs can be achieved with the aid of MATLAB. Then, all the questions from the participants were addressed by the speaker, and the workshop ended around 12:15 p.m. after the group photo session.