PGSS MJIIT invites to join their first structured course (PGSC) titled “Career Planning: How Do You Market Yourself?” with details below:
Speaker : Assoc. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Nurulakmar Abu Husain
Date : 22 February 2021 (Monday)
Time : 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Venue : Webex Platform
Language : English
Fee : Free
In reality, everyone dreams of getting a successful and promising career. Students are especially inspired by this so-called ‘dream work’ in the process of completing their studies. This keeps them working hard to make a dream come true. However, a strong academic record may not be the only way of achieving this. Employers are more demanding and selective, particularly in this technological paradigm. Therefore, PGSS MJIIT is taking this opportunity to help PG students in particular face this challenge with a course called Career Planning: How Do You Market Yourself?
The speaker in the course was Assoc. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Nurulakmar Binti Abu Husain and she shared a wealth of expertise and experience in preparing ourselves in a successful marketing way. General knowledge on employment is always available on the web and in written materials. However, this course has been explicitly developed for UTM PG students and deals with topics that are relevant to them. It aims to help them prepare their future jobs, their professional affiliation, and ultimately move to real working world.
For some student, career planning may seem to be very straightforward. However, as a student journey through life, the student will adapt and change their career plans. These changes will be significant because students are also going to change. They may move to a new city or country. Other changes also may be required as technology, employment, or government policies change too. Therefore, as a result, the course organized by PGSS MJIIT has successfully helped PG students plan their careers properly, especially in the context of Malaysia.
The successful course was accompanied by constructive and positive feedback from all participants. The objective of the course was successfully accomplished on the basis of a follow-up response recorded from a satisfactory survey of the course. Proudly, PGSS MJIIT will continue to provide PG students with more insightful and useful courses to encourage and inspire them to pursue their studies.