PGSS-SKE in collaboration with SPS-UTM was organized “Student-Supervisor Relationship”.
The details of the course are as follows:
Title : Student-Supervisor Relationship
Speaker : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Haizal Bin Jamaluddin
Date : 20th April 2021 (Tuesday)
Time : 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Venue : Cisco-Webex
A reminder email was sent to the participants on 19th April 2021. The Webex meeting opened from 01:40 p.m. and registration of participants started from 01:45 p.m. and the course started exactly at 02:30 p.m. The speaker started by introducing himself, his PhD Supervisor, and his students who have successfully graduated. Following that, the speaker first explained about the role of the supervisor throughout the students’ study. Then, the speaker provided the list of expectations for both students and supervisors. In addition, the speaker proceeded with a section entitled ‘Your ABC PhD Journey’. Dr. Mohd Haizal shared the steps from beginning towards completion, by listing steps A to G. Moving on, Dr. Mohd Haizal also revealed the habits of students which could possibly irritate the supervisors, such as performing last-minute works and always being late on schedule. The Q&A session went on for about 40 minutes after the speaker concluded his presentation. After taking the group photo, the course ended around 03:55 p.m. The slides and e-certificates have also been shared to the participants on 24th April 2021. Overall, the workshop went smoothly and according to the tentative schedule. However, there were some disruptions due to network issues.
The relationship between student and supervisor is very crucial throughout the postgraduate study journey. Therefore, the communicaon between both pares is utmost important to ensure that the student can GOT. Objectives of this course is to make the students aware of
● The importance of developing good relaonship with the supervisor
● The responsibility of students and supervisors throughout the research projects
● How to communicate effecvely and professionally with the supervisor as a student?