Postgraduate Student Society MJIIT organized Additional Course:
How to deal and Response to Reviewer’s Comments?
The details as below:
Date: 1 March 2021 (Mon)
Time: 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Speaker: Prof Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud El-Sayed Nasef
Meeting platform: Cisco Webex meeting (Live chat)
The first session with the speaker had a great influence on the participants. The majority of them demanded an extension session with him. PGSS MJIIT has taken the immediate initiative to deal with the speakers and successfully bring the speaker back with a more interesting subject. On another point, as a researcher who has grown up in UTM, the speaker is always pleased to share and give back to his university. He has been conducting such courses for the past 15 years and has coached a number of UTM groups from 0 to 100 papers in 5 years. The speaker’s recipe is simple: passion and resources in addition to patience!
PGSS MJIIT hopes that the session will bring some values to all participants, especially those who are currently experiencing frequent rejection. Dealing with reviewers is something students can only learn from experiencing them. There is no real wisdom that will comfort the student getting through this one. Students may get feedback at some stage that makes them feel very good. Always, but not. Everyone is making mistakes, so don’t be discouraged. The review process should help students develop their manuscript.
Consequently, with the guidance provided by the speaker, particularly from his personal experience, this session has shed a light on how to deal properly with the comments of the reviewer. Higher expectations of the PGSS MJIIT that students, after completing the session, will treat negative feelings from reading reviewer’s comments, can now turn into positive sense and motivate them to mature in publication.
This was seldom explored and offered in any other courses and received very positive reviews from the participants. The feedback on the organization of the course, the speakers’ skills and the effectiveness of the course was very impressive and satisfactory. This somehow inspires PGSS MJIIT to introduce more courses of the same enormous impact to UTM’s PG students.