This collaborative workshop organized by the PGSS FSSH KL and the Business School of Mutah University, Jordan entitled
Date: 17th July 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 9.00pm – 11.00pm
The program organized online via Webex & FB Live
Saturday, Jul 17, 2021 9:00 pm | 5 hours | (UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Md. Aminul Islam (MUTAH University)
? How do I find a research gap?
? How do I define a research problem?
These are questions that often linger and cause writer’s block. It is not a struggle with your writing but with your thinking.
How do you write your way out of this?
Identifying research gap and defining research problem through literature review are compulsory components to all postgraduate students. Thus, the selected title for the online structured course is very significant to every student. Although the target group was expected to be in their early semesters since the research proposal is one of the early requirements, the attendance proved approximately one fifth of the participants were in their third year or beyond. The objective of the programme was to guide UTM PG students on how to identify research gap and define research problem through literature review.