PGSS SKE held online structured course entitled:
Typesetting UTM-Thesis using LYX
Details as below:
Date: 28th July 2021 (Wednesday)
Time: 9.30 am-12 pm
Speaker: Prof. Madya Ir. Dr. Muhammad Nadzir Bin Marsono
Platfor: Webex Online Meeting
The speaker first introduced an overview of the formatting UTM thesis, understanding LyX environment, installation and set up for LaTeX. Following that Dr. Nadzir went through in details step-by-step on how to writing UTM thesis using Lyx with live demonstrations. The seminar ended about 1.00pm when the last question answered by the speaker. Overall, the workshop well well, and participants are very satisfied with the course according to feedback report.
Program Objectives:
Thesis writing is a time-consuming and lengthy process. Compared with words, writing a thesis in latex has the advantage of better page rendering, better looking and more academic. What we have to do is to learn a little grammar by ourselves, modify part of the template content, and produce a more academically standardized thesis. This workshop aims to:
● Introduced Miktex/Texlive and Lyx.
● Produced more efficient and quality of thesis without worrying about the formatting.
● Improve the capability of writing a thesis in Lyx using the publisher’s LaTex Template.