PGSS SKA was pleased to conduct online structure course “Career Path after Covid-19 Pandemic” on 8th August 2021 (Sunday). It was an honor to have Prof. Ir. Dr. Sharifah Rafidah Binti Wan Alwi from School of Chemical and Energy Engineering to share her professional knowledge and experience. This workshop was promoted 2 week before the event through various media platforms that are accessible to students and managed to have 101 participants to join us online in Cisco Webex. Based on the participants’ feedback, the majority of them were satisfied with the sharings where the topic was deemed practical and valuable to them during the pandemic. With the help of the moderator, the Q&A sessions were successful, and the interaction between Prof. Ir. Dr. Sharifah Rafidah Binti Wan Alwi and the participants was lively. Participants also agreed that the objective of this workshop was met and practical even though it was conducted online. This course gave an overview to the postgrade student regarding on the career path after covid-19 pandemic .It focus on advices and potential future path for the student after their postgraduate study . Besides that, this course also provides motivational encouragement for the students that are currently facing difficulties in finding jobs and their directions for their future career.
Prof Ir Ts Dr Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi, CEng, MIChemE, MIEM, is a Professor in the School of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. She specialises in process systems engineering with emphasis on resource conservation. She previously helmed as the Director of Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT) from Feb 2011 to 2021. She has been extensively involved in 80 research projects (worth RM7.54Million), 17 industrial based projects for various companies and government agencies and has trained engineers from more than 200 companies in the field of sustainable engineering design and management. She has more than 250 publications with a H-index of 33 (Scopus). The 2014 Elsevier’s Scival Spotlight has ranked her in the ninth place among the list of global experts under the competency of “heat exchangers, retrofitting and design” and in the fifth place under the competency of “optimisation, cost and water”. Dr. Sharifah received her PhD at the age of 26 from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), making her one of the two youngest PhD holders in Malaysia at that time. Dr. Sharifah is currently the Chair for the Science Leadership Working Group under Young Scientist Network, Academy of Sciences Malaysia (YSN-ASM). She has also served as the Chair for Malaysia IChemE Young Engineer Group (YEG). She is a member of Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS). She is a certified ASEAN Energy Management Scheme (AEMAS) Energy Manager trainer and a Registered Electrical Energy Manager under Malaysia Energy Commission. She chaired the 1st Global Process Systems and Safety Conference (PSSE2016) and co-chaired the 18th International Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES 2015), a cleaner energy mainstream international conference which has been organised in Europe and North America since 1998.