PGSS SKE was pleased to conduct online structure course “Route to Professional Engineer” on 11th August 2021 (Wednesday). It was an honor to have Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Sharul Kamal Bin Abdul Rahim, senior lecturer School of Electrical Engineering to share her professional knowledge and experience. This workshop was promoted 2 week before the event through various media platforms that are accessible to students and managed to have 109 participants to join us online in Cisco Webex. While many are planning to continue their life after PhD as researchers, some of them plan to be professional engineers in the industry as well. During the course, students are guided on fulfilling professional qualifications, memberships required for a professional engineer.
This workshop aims to:
● introduce the route to become member of Institution of Engineers Malaysia (MIEM) and
Professional Engineer (PE) with BEM
● introduce the roles of BEM and IEM, Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC), Engineering
Competency Development (ECD), Professional Interview and Competency Examination.
The Webex meeting opened from 10.00 am and registration of participants started from 10.15 am and the course started at 10.30 am. The moderator introduced the speaker and then the speaker started the presentation. At 10.35 am, the speakers started by introducing the title of “Ir.”. After that, he shared his journey and career path in getting the professional engineer (PE) title. He explained the needs to be a professional engineer. The speaker introduced Washington Accord which is an international agreement between bodies responsible for accrediting engineering degree programs. At 10.50 am, the speaker explained the type of members of Institution of Engineers Malaysia (MIEM) and Professional Engineer (PE) with BEM. He shared IEM branches in Malaysia, technical divisions of IEM, and IEM sections. At 11.05 am, he explained the roles of BEM and IEM. He then shared the route to become MIEM and PE starting from accredited engineering degree, foreign engineer or unrecognized engineering degree. He explained the Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC), which is a body delegated by BEM for accreditation of engineering programs of universities in Malaysia. He explained Engineering Competency Development (ECD) for graduate engineer not having a professional engineer of same discipline within the organization. At 11.25 am, he explained the process of professional interview (PI) including documentary review and in-person assessment. Lastly, he explained the competency examination. At 11.40 am, the Q&A session starts. After taking the group photo, the course ended at 12.00 pm. The feedback from the participants are positive overall. Some of the comments include informative, useful, clear, and good explanation.
Biography of Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Sharul Kamal Bin Abdul Rahim
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Sharul Kamal Abdul Rahim obtained his first degree from University of Tennessee, USA majoring in Electrical Engineering, graduating in 1996, MSc in Engineering (Communication Engineering) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in 2001 and PhD in Wireless Communication System from University of Birmingham, UK in 2007. Currently, Dr. Sharul is an Associate Professor at Wireless Communication Centre, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UTM Skudai. His research interest is Smart Antenna on Communication System. He is also a member of IEEE Malaysia Section, Member Board of Engineer Malaysia (MBEM), Member of Institute of Engineer Malaysia (MIEM) and Eta Kappa Nu Chapter (International Electrical Engineering Honour Society, University of Tennessee). He has published more than 50 journal papers and technical proceedings on rain attenuations, Smart Antenna system, microwave design and reconfigurable antenna in national and international journals and conferences. He may be contacted at sharulkamal@fke.utm.my.