31 May, Johor Bahru – The online course entitled “5G Technology: State of the Art” was successfully organized by Postgraduate Student Society of School of Electrical Engineering (PGSS-SKE) at 2:30PM on 31 May 2022 (Tuesday). Assoc. Prof. Dr. Leow Chee Yen, who is an associate professor in School of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and a research fellow at Wireless Communication Centre (WCC), was invited to share his professional knowledge. A total of 59 participants attended the course.

The course aims

  • to introduce the fifth technology (5G) of wireless technology
  • to explain the key enabling technologies, and recent state-of-the-art updates of 5G technology

The Cisco-Webex meeting was opened at 2.00PM to allow the registration of participants. The course started at 2.30PM and the moderator introduced the speaker. Afterwards, the speaker started a warm-up activity before the presentation. The presentation was divided into three sections, which are introduction of 5G, key enabling technologies, and 5G updates. Each section was ended with an engaging and interactive activities through menti.com for the participants to answer some questions. This allowed the participants to engage more during the session and improve their understanding. At 4.30PM, the presentation ended and Q&A session started. The speaker managed to answer all the questions in the chat box and the online course ended at 4.50PM after taking group photos with participants.

The feedback from the participants are positive overall. Some of the comments include excellent, satisfactory, and informative.