11-18 March 2023, Johor Bahru – Toastmasters SpeechcraftTM is a workshop that aims to elevate the communication and public speaking skills of participants. Using a guide book acquired from Toastmasters international, participants will have hands on training with mentors and speakers for each slot. The guide book is specially prepared by veteran Toastmasters members from the United States and is engineered specially for SpeechcraftTM program. Each mentor will advise on a maximum of 3 participants, providing full time attention and supervision. Mentors will also be experienced Toastmasters members who have done numerous public speeches and have participated in many public speaking contests. The Toastmasters SpeechcraftTM program consists of 10 slots delivered by veteran Toastmasters members from around Malaysia and will span for 2 days. At the end of the workshop, participants will acquire skills to speak confidently in public and in front of a crowd.

11th & 18th of March 2023 (Saturdays)

Lecture Hall 1, C17, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru Campus

30 UTM Postgraduate Students
20 UTM Undergraduate Students
10 UTM Staff, Alumni and retiree
10 Public Participants from Johor Bahru

RM 200 per person for adults
RM 100 per person for UTM Students

Toastmasters Speechcraft is a blended learning program designed to provide optimal support for learners interested in building their communication and public speaking skills. The directed learning portion of Speechcraft is delivered by an experienced public speaker, most often a member of Toastmasters International. The follow-up, or individual, learning intended to support the in-person sessions is delivered through interactive materials designed specifically for adult learners.

The projects include instruction on subjects that are designed to directly and immediately impact each learner’s public speaking skills. The projects include:

1. Choose a Topic
This project focuses on defining a topic that will deliver a speaker’s message while supporting the needs and expectations of an audience.
2. Prepare to Present
The heart of successful public speaking begins with a solid topic and a well-written speech. It ends with accomplished delivery of that speech. This project focuses on how to write a speech that conveys a message and on methods learners can use to prepare for their presentation.
3. Giving and Receiving Feedback
Part of the Toastmasters experience reflected in Speechcraft is an emphasis on evaluation and feedback. Feedback is core to communication, learning, and leadership. This project focuses on how to receive an evaluation and how to share supportive, effective feedback with others.
4. Know Your Purpose
As learners write and deliver speeches, the focus of the Speechcraft program shifts to the higher-level skills required to succeed as a communicator and speaker. One of those skills is to identify and deliver a purposeful message when speaking to a group.
5. Body Language
Another step to refining public speaking skills is to understand the impact of movement, gestures, and facial expressions on the effective delivery of a speech. This project focuses on developing a skilled approach to body language when delivering a speech.
6. How to Evaluate
This project includes the opportunity to review a speech and deliver feedback using evaluation materials available from Toastmasters. Learners who complete this project gain insight and practice completing an evaluation and providing professional, supportive feedback.
7. Vocal Variety
The subtle impact of voice and vocal variety goes far beyond avoiding a monotone speech delivery. This project includes information on how to use voice and presence to support the successful delivery of a message to an audience.
8. Powerful Words
This project emphasizes the importance of word choice when delivering a message. Practice includes understanding how to identify and deploy powerful language to create images and move an audience to action.