13 June, Johor Bahru – The online structured course entitled “Publication in a Scientific Journal” was successfully organized by Postgraduate Student Society of School of Electrical Engineering (PGSS-SKE) at 2:30PM on 13 June 2022 (Monday). Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohamad Kamal B. A. Rahim, who is a professor in School of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, was invited to share his professional knowledge. The speaker, who has excellent achievements, which are over 180 indexed journal papers and over 30 on-going and graduated PhD students, is an excellent candidate to deliver the talk. A total of 177 participants attended the course.

The course aims to guide the postgraduate students on: –

-What are H-index, indexed publications, editorial process

-How to prepare a high-quality manuscript for journal paper and review paper

-How to address reviewers’ comments

The Cisco-Webex meeting was opened at 2.00PM to allow the registration of participants. The course started at 2.30PM and the moderator introduced the speaker. Afterwards, the speaker started the presentation. The presentation was divided into six sections, which are overview of MyRA in publication, H-index, index journal, writing the review paper, editorial process, and from rejection to acceptance. First, the speaker explained the types of publication in MyRA. Then, the speaker explained the H-index, impact factor, quartile, and citation. Some tips to increase H-index and citations are provided. In the next section, the speaker explained how to publish in high impact journals. Furthermore, the speaker explained the editorial process. Lastly, the speaker provided some tips on how to go from rejection to acceptance in publication. Several Q&A sessions are held during the presentation to address the questions asked by the participants. At 4.25PM, the presentation ended. The online course ended at 4.30PM after taking group photos with participants. The feedback from the participants are positive overall. Some of the comments on the presentation include excellent, well-delivered and educative. They concluded that the session is helpful, informative and great.