16th May 2023, JOHOR BAHRU – The talk is carried out to help the students to know more details about Turnitins. The talk is done by a UTM staff, Puan Haliza who is in charged of all kinds of matters about turnitins. In the talk, the speaker has briefed about the usage of Turnitin and the methods applied to register a Turnitin account or obtain a Turnitin class id as well as the passwords.

The talk lasts for one hour and the session is ended with several questions from the students. From this beneficial talk, the students obtained many skills in handling the Turnitin system which can assist them in their thesis writing as well as the journal paper submission.


This program is aimed at Turnitin for Students to give explanations and more information about the benefits of Turnitin to all postgraduate students throughout their study journey. It was an honor to have Puan Haliza binti Zainal, the UTM staff, to share this professional knowledge. This program could give instant feedback, check for errors, and make it look good. Indeed, could avoid students from having plagiarism contents throughout their thesis.