The workshop aimed to help students keep up the momentum for their research work in this period of Covid19 lockdown where they cannot meet their supervisors physically. They were encouraged to set up achievable goals and work within a feasible research period. The registration for this workshop was open for one week, and there were good responses from students.

Some days before the workshop, the online registration had achieved a suitable number of 320 registered participants. Few publicities has given to the seminar via various media platforms accessible to students. A total of over 127 participants watched the program live on WebEx on the workshop’s day. The motivation to organize the workshop was base on the large number of 320 students who registered on the online google form created for the workshop. The workshop’s time was 2 hours, which was sufficient for the occasion.

The speaker was so eloquent and gave a satisfactory delivery on occasion. She answered all the questions posed to her with eagerness to the satisfaction of participants. Students expressed satisfaction about having been motivated and encouraged by the workshop. They also said that the workshop was productive and insightful and gained immensely from the topic. The rating of the workshop was high, with positive comments. However, one participant believes that the time slot was too lengthy.