PGOSC by PGSS SKT held programme ”Active Learning Strategies to Ace in PG Study Route”.
The event details are as follow:
Speaker: P.M. Dr. Agus Arsad (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
Date : 25 April 2021 l Sunday
Time : 9.00 AM to 11.30 AM
(UTC +8.00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore.
Platform: Webex meeting
This structure course aimed to share the strategies on active learning, giving the insights/ideas on how to become an independent thinker along the pathway of completing PG study, as well as to become a good scholar. Meanwhile, this structured course provided a platform for students to share their problems and challenges while completing their postgraduate study, not only from academic wise, but also some other problems they might face in daily life as a postgraduate student.
We have our invited speaker PM. Dr. Agus Arsad to share his thought and his experience on this topic. He completed his PhD study in UTM after finished his master study in overseas. He was once being awarded as Best Postgraduate Student in UTM. In these years, he supervised the undergraduate and postgraduate students on their plant design projects, final year projects and also the other research projects.
In general, with the effort and collaboration between the PGSC committees and the speakers, this structured course has been successfully organized. Based on the feedback that we obtained from the participants, majority of them are happy to be inspired and motivated through the sharing session. We also received additional positive comments from the participants, such as hoping to have more webinars in the coming future. Nonetheless, we also received suggestion from participant so that the sharing could be done with more examples based on current situation such as during this Covid-19 pandemic.