PGOSC by PGSS SKA held programmed:
Title: Solid Waste Management during Covid-19
Speaker: Dr. Shazwin Mat Taib
Date: 29 July 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm
Venue: CISCO Webex
“Solid waste” are products in the solid state that are useless and undesired as a result of society’s activities and are abandoned by society. It has been a
?global environmental issue
? that needs to be addressed due to the annual increase of solid waste which spike
? even more since the start of Covid-19 pandemic
Learn how to do your part in saving the ?environment?
Remember, the Earth’s future is in our hands ✋??
The Course aimed to share the surge in clinical and other solid waste during then Covid-19. Various ways to reduce the solid waste specially the clinical waste which are highly prone to contagious pandemic viruses.