607-5537876 ( Office ) graduate@utm.my

Financial Aids

Publication Incentive Claim

Claim Payment

The maximum value in claims that a student can apply for the Publication Incentive:

    • Q1 : RM250.00*
    • Q2 : RM250.00*

Application is subjected to the availability of the allocation approved by the University.

Claim Criteria

The criteria required in making Publication Incentive Claims:

    • The applicant must be the First Student Author and UTM Graduate student
    • Published paper must have volume no. and page no.
    • Affiliation must be Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
    • Applicant must be the First Student Author and supervisor(s) must be one of the authors
    • All claims made in the current year are only valid for paper published in the CURRENT SEMESTER and in ONE PREVIOUS SEMESTER. 
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