607-5537876 ( Office ) graduate@utm.my


UTM National Posgraduate Fund


  • Application is open to local students registered as full-time PhD students in 1st to 6th semester (45 years old and below) and Master’s students in 1st to 4th semester (35 years old and below).
  • Applicants are currently not working or receiving any form of financial aid from other sources.
  • Applicants are currently in ‘Active’ status.
  • Students with good publications and academic track records will be given priority.
  • Students with household income of RM5,000 and below will be given priority.

Award Range

  • Partial tuition waivers of RM1,000.00.

Application Period

Application for session 2022/2023-1: 6th until 23rd October 2022.

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