Assalamualaikum and Greetings,
Hope everyone is in good health and take the positivity to the highest during this unexpected occurrence of life event that we are currently facing.
As we know, UTM has 13 PGSS societies in total who actively run many Postgraduate Structured Courses (PGSC) as a support program. Some of the PGSC topics have been successfully organized before the Government’s Movement Control Order (MCO) has started with excellent outcomes.
We were encouraged to conduct and continue our planned schedules of the other structured courses. To follow the government’s advice by avoiding mass gathering and obey the MCO diligently, we conclude that going online is the best resource to make it happened. We will be using Webex as an official platform to conduct training and talk sharing. All PGSS committee and future participants can get more information of the Postgraduate online structured course (PGOSC) work process by watching the briefing presentation from Dr Norah Binti Md Noor through Youtube (link at the end of the post).
During the PGOSC session, the speaker will elaborate on the topic as planned creatively, recorded and will be shared later via PGSS Youtube Channel. Participants will able to do Q&As with the speakers after the talk. This PGOSC will allow a higher number of participant from all around Malaysia or even the world. No matter where you stay, we can still be connected. Participants will get merit and certificate from the program. Yet, most importantly, new elements can be added to their sources of knowledge related to their research field.
I want to insert some pieces of advice from our online Whatsapp LIVE meeting held on 21st April 2020.
As Dr. Norah said, “This practice is something new… but it will become a new normal after the MCO” and also from our President Faculty Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSH) UTM Kuala Lumpur, Madam Hanoon, “Every dark cloud has a silver lining. Coronavirus has helped us learn how to organize an online training… something new and good!”. She also delighted that by doing online courses, she was able to take part in some of the UTM Johor Bahru courses!
[Update] We also had organized an hour testing session for Webex on 23th April 2020. About 35 PGSS committees are exposed with the application on how to start and use it. We are also very grateful to have clear presentation from Dr Norah as the host.
We have targeted to do one online session starting this May!. Let’s gear up and be more productive despite the COVID19 pandemic.

Webex Setup Manual (link provided)
Please refer this manual to setup Webex session. Click and download the link below.
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