+607-5537876 ( Office ) graduate@utm.my


Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) offers Remote Candidature for Research Programmes (ONLY) which allows working student to pursue postgraduate studies away from the university campus as stipulated in University’s rules & regulations. Remote candidature is designed specifically for enrolled students who, for academic reasons, wish to pursue most or all of their research away from the University, interstate or overseas.

1. Pemohon hanya akan dianggap sebagai pelajar penyeliaan jarak jauh setelah mendapat kelulusan daripada SPS
The applicants will only be considered as remote student supervision upon approval from SPS.

2. Permohonan penyeliaan jarak jauh hanya akan dipertimbangkan selepas visa diperolehi oleh pelajar antarabangsa dengan keperluan melengkapkan borang permohonan UTM.SPS.B(BPPK)/19/2019 – PIND 02/2022. Borang tersebut perlu diperakui oleh penyelia dan disokong oleh fakulti sebelum diluluskan oleh SPS.
Applications for remote supervision can be considered ONLY after visa ready by fulfilling the form, UTM.SPS.B(BPPK)/19/2019 – PIND 02/2022. The application must be agreed by the Supervisor and endorsed by the faculty before the approval by SPS..

3. Permohonan pelajar hendaklah lengkap beserta salinan dokumen sokongan setiap yang berikut:
a) Kad Pengenalan Diri atau Paspot (biometric pages).
b) Visa Pelajar (visa pages).
c) Curriculum Vitae (CV) terkini Penyelia Bersama Luar.
d) Pas Penggajian bagi pelajar tempatan yang bekerja di luar negara, atau apa-apa dokumen sokongan sebagai bukti pelajar perlu berada di luar negara.
Student needs to submit the application form and a copy of each required documents:
a) Identification Card or Passport (biometric pages)
b) Student Visa (visa pages)
c) Latest curriculum vitae (CV) of the proposed external supervisor
d) Employment Pass for Malaysian or any evidence documents to support that you need to be abroad or studies away from UTM

4. Pelajar perlu menguruskan sendiri pengangkutan dan penginapan semasa pendaftaran dan sepanjang keberadaan di UTM.
Students need to manage their transport and accommodation during registration and throughout their stay at UTM.

5. Pelajar perlu mempunyai pengalaman menjalankan penyelidikan dan berkemampuan dalam melaksanakan penyelidikan secara kendiri.
Students need to have experience in conducting research and be able to carry out research independently.

6. Pelajar bertanggungjawab untuk mendaftar kod kursus penyelidikan pada setiap semester melalui Portal MyUTM (my.utm.my)
Students are responsible to register research course code each semester through the MyUTM Portal (my.utm.my)

7. Pelajar perlu mendaftar dan mengikuti Kursus Umum Universiti dan Kursus Kaedah Penyelidikan mengikut jangkamasa dan kaedah yang telah ditetapkan oleh Fakulti.
Students are compulsory to register and undergo the University’s General Course and Research Methodology Course tentatively as determine by the faculty.

8. Pelajar perlu melengkapkan dan menghantar Laporan Kemajuan Penyelidikan (Progress Report) pada setiap semester.
Students must fulfil the progress report submission by online every semester.

9. Pelajar adalah bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya untuk memperbaharui visa pelajar mahupun visa sebelum tamat tempoh.
Students are fully responsible to renew their student visa or visa before expired.

10. Pelajar perlu berkomunikasi bersama dengan penyelia melalui apa-apa kaedah atau medium telekomunikasi yang bersesuaian sama ada melalui telefon, email, video conferencing dan lain-lain platform secara dalam talian.
Remote supervision students should communicate regularly with the supervisor by using any platform of communication.

11. Pelajar digalakkan untuk melantik Penyelia Bersama Luar dari kalangan staf akademik atau individu pakar yang dipersetujui bersama oleh Penyelia Utama bagi membantu pelajar dalam menjalankan penyelidikan di negara keberadaan pelajar.
Students are advised to appoint External Co-Supervisor within the academic staff of the institution or individual experts from the industries/areas where the research is to take place.

12. Pelajar perlu memastikan fasiliti berkaitan bagi menyokong penyelidikan adalah tersedia lengkap, dijamin dan memenuhi keperluan.
Students need to ensure that the facilities to support the research activities are available, guaranteed, and meet the requirements.

13. Pelajar bertanggungjawab untuk mengambil maklum bahawa pihak UTM tidak akan menanggung sebarang kos yang melibatkan penyelidikan di negara keberadaan pelajar.
Students are responsible of being aware that UTM will not bear any costs involving research, as well as cost-sharing and ownership of any intellectual property that may arise from the research.

14. Pelajar adalah digalakkan untuk mempunyai insurans perlindungan peribadi di negara keberadaan pelajar.
Students are encouraged to have personal protection insurance where the research is to take place.

15. Pelajar dinasihatkan untuk sentiasa menjaga keselamatan, kesihatan dan mematuhi etika penyelidikan ketika menjalankan penyelidikan di negara keberadaan pelajar.
Students are advised to be sure of safety, health and adhere to research ethics when conducting research within the student’s country of residence.

16. Tanggungjawab pelajar penyelidikan secara terperinci adalah seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Prosedur Penyelidikan Pasca Siswazah (ProPS 06).
The detailed responsibilities of research students are as stated in Postgraduate Research Procedures (ProPS 06).



To qualify a student to hold Remote Supervision candidates are as follows:

  1. Applicable for Master by Research and Doctor Philosophy.
  2. Applications for remote supervision can be considered ONLY after students have obtained their student pass.
  3. Applicable for Malaysian and International students who are working abroad or need to pursue study away from UTM.
  4. For International students, you are required to apply for a Student Visa upon arrival in Malaysia and follow the procedures set by the Department of Immigration Malaysia and the UTM International office.
  5. Students need to obtain Supervisor, Faculty, and SPS endorsement.
  6. Application as a Remote Supervision student can be made one (1) time only throughout the period of studies.
  7. An application must be fully completed with supporting documents.