Please check the updated program schedule and details through the Google Calendar linked below. Access the calendar to stay informed and up-to-date with all program activities and events.
This is the list of PGSS yearly program, featuring academic seminars, conference , academic competition and professional development workshops:
- Building Greener: The Role of IHBS in Sustainable Construction
- Adapting Geotechnical Practices to Climate Resilience: Challenges and Innovations
- Mastering the Art of High-Impact Publishing
- Mendeley Workshop
- Mastering The Literature Review: Writing Strategies for Thesis Success
- AI Tools for Enhancing Student Productivity and Time Management
- Enhancing Research and Technical Skills in Statistical Analysis
- RSM Unleashed: Data-Driven Experimentation & Optimization with MINITAB & DESIGN EXPERT
- Smart Research Practices: Managing Citations & Avoiding Plagiarism
- Protecting Your Research: A Guide to Intellectual Property Rights
- The Art of Scientific Publishing: Tips for High-Impact Journals
- Design, Analyze, Optimize: Unlocking the Power of RSM
- Behind the Scenes of Gaming Excellence
- The Evolution and Future of Hyperscale Data Centers: Addressing Global Data Demands
- Advanced GitHub and GitLab Features for Collaboration
- Python For Machine Learning & Deep Learning
- Let’s Get Started with Mendeley
- Ai-Assistance Tools for Thesis Writing
- Developing Problem Formulation
- Literature Review Workshop
- Mendeley Workshop
- Publication Pathways in Science (PPS)
- Bibliometric Review with VOSviewer
- Using AI Tools for academic writing
- Mastering AI For Research: Unlocking the Power of Prompting Skills
- Statistical Visualization for Research: From Basics to Publication-Ready Graphs
- Mastering The Stage: Elevate Your Presentation Skills for Academic Excellence
- Empowering Research with AI: Ethical Practices for Postgraduate Students
- Pls-Sem Workshop
- Analysing Qualitative Research Using NVIVO
- How To Write a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) Article?
- Empowering Research with AI: Ethical Practices for Postgraduate Students
- Surviving & Thriving in Qualitative Research
- Advanced SPSS Hands on Workshop
- Bibliometric Article Writing
- Postgraduate Skills Workshop
1. Research Methodology Workshop
2. Endnote X for Windows (reference manager)
3. Turnitin (Text Matching Software) - UTM Thesis Formatting
- Crafting Research Proposal using AI tools / AI for Researchers
- Preparing a Good Literature Review
- AI in Action: Building Models with Python
- Precision Analysis with Origin: A Practical Guide for Researchers
- Research Commercialization Strategy
- Academic to Entrepreneur: Transforming Research into Business
- From Classroom to Boardroom: Practical Entrepreneurship Skills
- World’s First E-Braille Al-Quran
- Research to Market (R2M)
- Resume Building and Networking
- Preparing For Proposal Defense
- Preparing For Viva Voce
- Tips and Preparation for Viva-voceĀ
- Mastering the Viva: Tips for Confident and Impactful Presentations
- Student Mobility -Passport to Learning
- Mastering Proposal Defence and Viva: Strategies for a Confident and Impactful Presentation
- Excelling in Viva Voce: Confidently Defending Your Research
- Defending with Confidence: A Guide to Excelling in Your Viva
- Mastering Academic Presentations for Postgraduates
- Creating Impactful Presentations
- Speak with Impact: Elevate Your Presentation Skills
- Systematic Literature Review Workshop
- From Researcher to Consultant: Turning Social Science Expertise into A Business Venture
- From Researcher to Consultant: Turning Social Science Expertise into A Business Venture (Collabs PGSS FSSH)
- Entrepreneurship as a Career
- Startup Sprint: From Idea to Reality
- Building Your Sustainability Career: Skills, Networking, and Opportunities for Aspire Engineers
- Engineering Your Future: Career Pathways For Postgraduate Engineers
- From Theory to Application: Making Your Mark in Industry
- Career Compass: Finding Your Direction After Graduation
- How To Navigate Career Path in Automotive
- Motor Sport Engineering
- Career Path for Academicians
- PhD Journey
- Career in Academia & Industry
Topic Suggestions:
1. Networking Masterclass: Building Meaningful Connections
2. The Art of Negotiation: Getting to Yes
3. Emotional Intelligence at Work: Enhancing Relationships and Results