Postgraduate Student Society (PGSS) Faculty / UTM organize various training and courses for postgraduate students in UTM.
You may find the details of the program as follows:

Postgraduate Structured Course (PGSC) is offered on a variety of categories including Entrepreneurial, Research and Technical, Presentation Skills and Career Planning. Students have an opportunity to attend these various of support program to enhance their conference presentation and viva voce and to learn more on how to publish paper on high impact journal, how to recognise and take advantage of career opportunities, how to ace on viva voce and understanding more about entrepreneurship and career planning. These courses will both support the postgraduate study and provide students with good key skills that will help them to further their subsequent career.

PGSS also offers Postgraduate Coffee Session to postgraduate students in UTM. This support program focuses on the Motivational & Inspirational topics that can help students to change behavior, develop competencies, be creative, set goals, grow interests, make plans, develop talents, and boost engagement.
Postgraduate Compulsory Course refers to the UTM Thesis Template course for UTM postgraduate students. This course will guide postgraduate students of UTM for the submission of their thesis and dissertation.

Additional training or support program conducted by PGSS is categorized under PGAC that covers various topic related to Entrepreneurial, Research and Technical, Presentation Skills, Career Planning and Motivational & Inspirational.
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